
The purpose of this website is to collect all info and links for “Dog Linux” related distro’s in one place.
It all started in the Puppy Linux forum, 03 Dec 2013: Here and 08 Dec 2013 Here
Initiated by Toni (saintless) and later assisted by: William (mcewanw), Terry (sunburnt) and Fred (fredx181).
And… DebianDog was born!
First release, 16 Apr 2014: DebianDog - Wheezy
Then soon after Jessie became stable, 27 May 2015: DebianDog - Jessie
Followed by:
- Mint/Ubuntu Trusty based, 29 Jul 2015: MintPup (Trusty LTS)
- DebianDog64, 11 Dec 2015: DebianDog64 - 64 bit DebianDog-Jessie
- XenialDog, Ubuntu based, 29 Apr 2016: XenialDog (Ubuntu 16.04 ‘Xenial Xerus’ LTS, 32-bit)
- DebianDog-Jessie 2016-10-16 (xfce_openbox only): DebianDog - Jessie - Continued