DebianDog Jessie 64-bit

DebianDog Jessie 64 bit version
For the most documentation see DebianDog Jessie for Info
- Any links to files or repository containing i386 packages (or other non 64 bit packages)
- Any documentation about live-boot v2 (it’s not included in this 64 bit version)
(maybe I will include later in next iso, porteus-boot and (official Debian) live-boot v3/4 works OK from what I tested) - Any documentation about systemd (not included in this 64 bit version, although it can be installed and used, but not properly tested yet)
Other differences compared to 32 bit DebianDog:
- Different applications, some are missing and some added.
- Just one version (Openbox) (instead 2 versions that DebianDog 32 bit provides (JWM and Openbox_xfce), see for specifications below)
Login details:
root with password root
puppy with password puppy
Built from an absolute minimal Debian-Jessie amd64 full install.
Kernel: 3.16.0-4-amd64
Choice of Boot Methods: porteus-boot and live-boot v3 (see for options in documentation from DebianDog - Jessie thread)
Default WM - OpenBox.
(with different choice of Desktop modes: tint2 vertical icons, wbar icons or rox-pinboard icons, to choose, run ‘Desktop Manager’ from Menu)
Tint2 bottom panel.
Default File Manager - pcmanfm with option to use rox.
Default Internet Browser - Palemoon.
Menu provided by Obmenu-generator (perl script)
Iso: DebianDog64-Jessie-openbox-2016-03-20.iso Size: 185MB
Md5sum: DebianDog64-Jessie-openbox-2016-03-20.md5
DEVX: 061-DEVX-DebDog64-Jessie-2016-03-20.squashfs
Thanks very much to everyone who has been involved with DebianDog, specially Toni (saintless), William (mcewanw), Terry (sunburnt) and all who helped by giving feedback on the DebianDog threads.
wbar icons
rox-pinboard icons