Devuan ‘daedalus live’ build system

Very similar as the ‘mklive-stretch’ or ‘mklive-bullseye' build system see e.g. Here and Forum thread Bullseye , but this will build from Devuan ‘daedalus’ branch and has many changes and improvements. Forum thread Devuan build script

Rather than just one script it’s also packed as appimage, reason is that this way it works ‘out of the box’ on most OS’s including modern puppies. The appimage has included e.g. yad, debootstrap, dpkg, xorriso (for creating ISO), so nothing extra should be required to install. Tested on Dpup-Stretch, FossaPup64, DebianDog, Fatdog (but on the latter it's required to install ‘perl’ first from gslapt).

Note that this doesn’t build a Puppy such as when using Woof-CE, but a puppy-like ‘Dog’ system (see more: Dog Linux website)

Download mklive-daedalus appimage: (or see single script below)
For 32-bit: mklive-daedalus32
For 64-bit: mklive-daedalus64

Make executable, e.g:
chmod +x mklive-daedalus64
Running without arguments it will show usage help, to run with GUI, e.g.:
./mklive-daedalus64 -gui
It requires root permissions to run, so when logged in as unprivileged user, use sudo, e.g.
sudo ./mklive-daedalus64 -gui

Here’s also a single script that should work OOTB on DebianDog, BusterDog, StretchDog:
Attachment and more info here: Devuan build script (requirements/dependencies will be downloaded), to use it on Puppy you need to have yad, debootstrap, dpkg, xorriso installed first.

Run the build on a Linux filesystem (ext2 ext3 ext4) not on FAT or NTFS , with at least 3GB free space

Simple demo .gif image using GUI option (clicking on link below will probably show it in browser):

(it’s from earlier released build script, mklive-devuan, but you get the picture :)
Demo .gif image