# Configuration for mklive-stretch, modify as desired # NOTE: Leave every commented (#) line commented as it is # See at the bottom commented out for info ### Start configuration DE_CONFIG="Mate" # Be careful with removing from this section (mostly essential) BASE_INSTALL="wget dash net-tools ifupdown wireless-tools sysvinit-core xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg psmisc fuse3 x11-utils x11-xserver-utils dbus-x11 busybox sudo mawk xinit xterm pciutils usbutils file rsync dosfstools volumeicon-alsa alsa-utils pm-utils xdotool wmctrl desktop-file-utils xdg-utils mime-support cryptsetup-bin squashfs-tools fakeroot xserver-xorg-input-evdev pv xserver-xorg-input-synaptics ntfs-3g nano xserver-xorg-video-intel curl gettext-base fdisk mtools" # Base Dog Packages, recommended to keep: # yad gtkdialog obshutdown pup-volume-monitor peasywifi BASE_DOG_APPS_INSTALL="yad gtkdialog obshutdown peasywifi chpupsocket filemnt-caja remaster-scripts quick-remaster apt2sfs sfsload fixdepinstall greybird-theme-dd-stretch makedebpackage sound-card-selector" BASE_APPS_INSTALL="pluma gparted parted synaptic viewnior firefox-esr pfind conky" DESK_APPS_INSTALL="mate-core mate-tweak" FIRMWARE="firmware-linux-free" EXTRA_DOG_APPS_INSTALL="peasyclock" REM_AUTO_INST="TRUE" FORCE32="FALSE" KEEPLOCALES="FALSE" KEEPMANDOC="FALSE" SYSTEMD="FALSE" RUNXTERM="FALSE" LBINITRD="FALSE" ISOUEFI="FALSE" ### End configuration # A selection of firmware packages available (mostly for wireless): # atmel-firmware firmware-realtek bluez-firmware firmware-atheros firmware-linux-free firmware-linux-nonfree firmware-netxen firmware-ti-connectivity firmware-b43legacy-installer firmware-iwlwifi firmware-ipw2x00 firmware-libertas firmware-intelwimax firmware-brcm80211 firmware-b43-installer firmware-qlogic firmware-bnx2 firmware-misc-nonfree firmware-bnx2x firmware-zd1211 # Some extra dog applications: # debdoginstallscripts dogradio youtube-get2 straw-viewer peasyfwmon gifondesktop upgrade-kernel conkyclock redshiftgui redshift-gui-lite mpv peasymount peasyscale peasyxorburn peasyglue # Choice of Desktop: # Default is openbox with pcmanmfm providing the desktop, lxpanel, etc.. # To change, replace what is in the DESK_APPS_INSTALL field with for example: # mate-core (for MATE), xfce4 (for XFCE), lxde (for LXDE) # No guarantee that all work as expected, might require some fixing # Remove automatically installed packages: # During installing all the packages, some are installed that you might not need, e.g. # xserver-xorg-video-vmware, REM_AUTO_INST=TRUE will uninstall it. # (possibly (large) library libllvm3.9 will then be autoremoved, depending on your other package choices) # To force 32 bit build on a 64 bit OS set FORCE32=TRUE # Locales: To keep locale files, set to KEEP_LOCALES=yes on top of the script